So this week has been very good. I'm with my new comp Elder Chicaiza
from Quito Ecuador.
This week we placed two baptism dates with a kid
from Colombia named Daniel who has 17 years and another girl named
Marcela who has 17 years.
They are both very good but Sunday Daniel had to go out of town and
couldn't go to church and Marcela had to work Sunday. So I was heart
broken that we didn't have anyone in church....praying sooooo hard! And
later I noticed a lady in our ward brought a friend to sacrament
meeting!!!!!!!!!!!! Named Norma.
So today we are going to have family
night with her and the family in our ward that brought her to church.
She will hopefully get baptized this 7 of April.
This week it rained so hard!!!!!!! And it hailed all day yesterday. We
were getting hit in the head for about an hour with ice.....but
finally we got in a house and taught a lesson. So much for the "day of
rest" ha ha. I have noticed that that day doesn't exist in this mission.
There is no rest in the work of the lord.
Today my comp had to buy new shoes, we went to this lady that makes
shoes down our street and she started crying when she saw us. She told
us that she has been wanting to talk to us for like a week but has
been scared to. We talked to her for the first time today and she is
having a lot of trouble in her life. She told us that she has been an
inactive member of thee Church for like 20 years. Has a lot of kids who
aren't members and wants us to teach them.
Yesterday we drank hot chocolate because we had frost bite.......and
we had ants in the chocolate powder...they are the most spicy food I
have ever tasted in my life....ha ha weird huh?...
I love the mission and I love the gospel. I am blessed in many ways
everyday. When you are doing whats right you are happy...I have
learned that on the mission. When we do what the lord asks of us we
get rewarded. like it says in 3 Nephi 13:33 "But seek ye first the
kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be
added unto you."
I am loving the mission and working really hard and I am happy. I love
you all and I hope you have an awesome week.
Love the lord with all your heart and keep his commandments and you will be blessed.
Elder Jase Warner